3,5 cm
Item no.: SCP-631
Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-631 extermination procedures must remain active until further notice. The flow of information concerning civilian disappearances in the SCP-631 environment (US urban and suburban areas) must be monitored, particularly in the areas reported in Document-631-T. Disappearances linked (or suspected to be linked) to SCP-631 must be filtered (according to standard media censorship procedure). Any such incident should be promptly investigated and, in the event that an instance of SCP-631 is identified, it should be eliminated immediately. If the Foundation is not in possession of any instance of SCP-631, the instance must be captured instead. Agents involved in SCP-631 capture or disposal operations must be provided with thermal vision goggles.
The Nu-11 and Omicron-17 Mobile Intervention Forces must be regularly deployed in the areas indicated in Document-631-T. The airspace above these areas must be closely monitored by thermal imaging to detect any instance of SCP-631.
One instance of SCP-631 should be kept in confinement in a secure concrete cell for observation and analysis. This instance should be permanently immobilized and exposed to artificial sunlight. It must be kept in a state of appeasement via injection of Serum-631-Gamma and fed intravenously. Should the organism's health deteriorate, a Class-D can be allocated to SCP-631's natural feeding and breeding activities; all but one of the offspring should then be disposed of, and the remaining instance confined according to the above instructions.
3,5 cm