7,5 cm.
2017 Pokémon
Made for McDonald's
Made in Vietnam
Litten is a seventh-generation Fire-type Pokémon. It is the starting Fire-type Pokémon of the Alola region.
It was revealed worldwide on May 10, 2016 with the second Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer, alongside the other seventh-generation Starter Pokémon: Brindibou and Otaquin.
Littenis a four-legged feline Pokémon with predominantly black fur. It has a small muzzle with a tiny black nose, red eyes with a yellow sclera and small pointed gray ears inside. He has two red stripes around his legs, and a red double cross pattern on his forehead. The lower part of Flamiaou's head is also red, with a tuft of red fur on each cheek. He has a tuft of black fur at the end of his long tail. When Flamiaou makes his big back, three tufts of red-tipped fur bristle along his spine.
Littenis inspired by tiger cats.
Littenis a solitary Pokémon that doesn't usually show its emotions, and it's best not to give it too much affection. When it washes, it collects its fur in its stomach. By setting this fur ablaze, it can spit fireballs that change the way it spits them. His fur is coated with a flammable oil that catches fire when he molts. Its fur grows back twice a year.
7,5 cm.
2017 Pokémon
Made for McDonald's
Made in Vietnam