Bane Malar was a male bounty hunter who specialized in tracking those who escaped the Spice Mines of Kessel. A natural telepath, Malar would use glitterstim to enhance his abilities, which allowed him to invade the minds of those he was hunting down. In 4 ABY,Malar was present in Jabba's Palace during Eightyem's time as Jabba Desilijic Tiure's translator droid.
Bane Malar was present in the palace of Jabba the Hutt when the crime lord was visited by Twi'lek criminal Silvan Kaan in 4 ABY.Malar grew suspicious of Kaan and Jabba's translator droid, Eightyem, whom Kaan had persuaded into a partnership. The bounty hunter took Eightyem aside and, instructing the droid not to lie, confronted him about his actions. Though Malar made direct accusations towards the droid, the interpreter maintained a façade of ignorance, causing the bounty hunter to admit his own uncertainty as to the violations committed. Malar then told Eightyem that he would discover the truth of the matter. Eightyem informed Kaan of what had transpired, though the Twi'lek remained unconcerned.
Malar later foiled an attempt on Jabba's life by Charn Roondha, an Ithorian who collected taxes imposed by the Hutt. The bounty hunter held the would-be assassin at the point of his own weapon, a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol that Malar noted Roondha was likely not cleared to have on his person, a fact confirmed by Jabba's aide, Bib Fortuna. The weapon had indeed been smuggled in by Eightyem on Kaan's suggestion.
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