10 cm.
Star Wars Tm
©&Tm Lucasfilm Ltd.
Phasma leads the section in which stormtrooper FN-2187, renamed Finn after he escaped, was fighting.
She is first seen killing the survivors of the village of Tuanul with her platoon (with the exception of Finn).
On the Finalizer, she finds Finn and orders him to bring his blaster for inspection and report to her unit.
When Poe Dameron escapes thanks to Finn, she tells General Hux that this was his first offense against the First Order.
She is seen when General Hux uses the Starkiller base to destroy the Hosnian system, destroying the New Republic and killing their leaders, allies of the Resistance. During their infiltration of the Starkiller base, she is captured by Finn, Han Solo and Chewbacca, and forced to deactivate the weapon planet's shield.
She is thrown into a garbage compactor, but manages to escape before the planet is destroyed.
10 cm.
Star Wars Tm
©&Tm Lucasfilm Ltd.