Schleich Muppets Babies Miss Piggy second hand figure (Loose)
  • Schleich Muppets Babies Miss Piggy second hand figure (Loose)
  • Schleich Muppets Babies Miss Piggy second hand figure (Loose)
  • Schleich Muppets Babies Miss Piggy second hand figure (Loose)
  • Schleich Muppets Babies Miss Piggy second hand figure (Loose)

Muppets Babies Miss Piggy second hand figure (Loose)

5 cm.




12.00 CHF
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Les Muppet Babies (Muppet Babies or Jim Henson's Muppet Babies) is an American animated television series in 107 episodes of 25 or 45 minutes, based on the Muppet Show characters created by Jim Henson and broadcast between September 15, 1984 and December 29, 1991 on the CBS network.

In France, only the first 26 episodes were broadcast from October 26, 1986 on FR3's Amuse 3. Rebroadcast from July 20, 1995 in Bonjour Babar on France 3, then in Ça tourne Bromby from April 2, 1998 on La Cinquième.

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