You've made it. Well, almost! Just a few more trials, and you will most likely be drafted onto a Quidditch team. It's so exciting, and we're very proud of you. The best part is that you collect all sorts of Quidditch tchotchke - like this Harry Potter Quidditch Shower Curtain. We had a little help from some Goblins in securing these for you (but don't tell, because they wished to remain anonymous and stuff).
This Harry Potter Quidditch Shower Curtain has a white background, and it's covered with with ochre sketches of Quidditch equipment and the words ""Catch"" and ""Keeper."" It's perfect for scrubbing clean after a long practice. After all, falling from a broom at speed will give you grass stains on not just your clothes but your body, too. You know when you see football players with a bit of turf jammed into their helmets? Now imagine them hitting the field from 25 feet up. Speaking of which, this is a great shower curtain, too, for when you need a long relaxing soak for your bruised muscles.
You've made it. Well, almost! Just a few more trials, and you will most likely be drafted onto a Quidditch team. It's so exciting, and we're very proud of you. The best part is that you collect all sorts of Quidditch tchotchke - like this Harry Potter Quidditch Shower Curtain. We had a little help from some Goblins in securing these for you (but don't tell, because they wished to remain anonymous and stuff).
This Harry Potter Quidditch Shower Curtain has a white background, and it's covered with with ochre sketches of Quidditch equipment and the words ""Catch"" and ""Keeper."" It's perfect for scrubbing clean after a long practice. After all, falling from a broom at speed will give you grass stains on not just your clothes but your body, too. You know when you see football players with a bit of turf jammed into their helmets? Now imagine them hitting the field from 25 feet up. Speaking of which, this is a great shower curtain, too, for when you need a long relaxing soak for your bruised muscles.